5 Status

Menu screen

Use the ^ and v keys to select Status item from the main menu and press ENTER.

This will bring up a list of status reports; this menu shows what’s happening, rather than what can be changed or input. The list includes features such as device details (e.g. serial number), signal and battery strength, last sync times, and other statuses only required by HyDip for trouble shooting.

These status values usually appear in groups of four on the four-line display. Use the up and down arrows to navigate them all.

The first four status values appear as:


First page of the status screen: device (controller) name, date and local time, serial number and firmware number

Menu item


Device name

By default this is the serial number. It is set automatically when the device is made and sold. It can be changed using the online control panel.

Local time

This is set automatically when the device syncs. It can be changed to your time zone using the online control panel.

SN - Serial number

This is set automatically when the device is manufactured.

FW - Firmware version

This reading shows which version of firmware the HyDip device is running.

Press the v arrow. The next three status values appear as:


2nd page of the status screen showing 3G status and last sync time

Menu item



Shows the 3G mobile service provider
(HFT-3G only)


Cellular signal strength
(HFT-3G only)

Last sync

This shows the last time / date the HyDip device synced with the online control panel and exchanged data

Press the v arrow. The next three status values appear as:


3rd page of the status screen

Menu item


Sync errors

Shows total number of failed syncs since the HyDip was last powered up. A sync error is logged each time the HyDip fails to connect to the internet for whatever reason. This may be a useful diagnostic.

Sync errors are normally transient do not result in any loss of data.

Sync durat.

Shows the duration of the last synchronization.

Last sample

Shows the last time a level measurement was taken.

Press the v arrow. The next four status values appear as:


4th page of the status screen showing the battery status

Menu item


Battery power

Shows the charge remaining in the battery

Battery voltage

Shows the battery voltage

Ext Power

Shows whether or not the HyDip device is being powered from the mains or a generator


Shows whether or not the external battery is being charged by an external power source

Press the v arrow. The next four status values appear as:


5th page of the status screen showing which sensors are connected

These four "Sensor" status values simply show whether or not a tank level sensor is connected to each sensor input. It will say ‘present’ or ‘none’.

Press the v arrow. The next three status values appear as:


6th page of the status screen showing temperature and in/outputs

Menu item



Current operating temperature of the HyDip device.

Input 1

Shows whether IN1 (wake-up) is on or off.

Output 1

Shows whether OUT1 (overfill alarm) is on or off.

Press the v arrow. The next two status values appear as:


7th page of the status screen NEMS/RADIUS status

This screen refers to the communications board internal to the HyDip.

Menu item



NEMS/RADIUS module firmware version


NEMS/RADIUS module serial number

Press the v arrow. The last six status values appear as:


8th page of the status screen Bowser Control Board status

This screen is for the Bowser Control Board (BCB) for the HyDip Fuel Tracking device.

Menu item



BCB (Bowser Control Board) module firmware version


BCB module serial number


Number of active transactions, i.e. transactions being served currently.


External power source status:

  • If ‘√’ is shown next to the PWR it means the external power is OK.

  • If ‘x’ is shown it means insufficient external power or total power failure.


Internal micro-UPS status:

  • If ‘√’ is shown next to the μPS it means the RAM is fully charged and ready.

  • If ‘x’ is shown it means the μPS RAM is not fully charged, and the device will refuse to control the dispensers.


System status codes


The BCB screen will remain on display for 10 minutes

If no key is pressed, a status screen will normally revert back to the standard screen (tank levels) after 30 seconds. However, the BCB menu screen will remain on display for 10 minutes before reverting to the standard screen.