
The Databases view of the Online Control Panel is where you will find your HyDip device's information records.

These include information you add yourself, for example a new customer, and logs of transactions that accumulate automatically.

Creating a new user database

To create a new database click on the gear icon in the left column, and then click on the option to create a database.

In the New Fuel Tracking Database window is the company, and a field for the name of the new database where you can type in a name. Name your database, click OK, and choose 'Manage databases'.

In the column on the left in the Databases view you can see a list of available databases. If this is your first database you will only see this one.

When you open a database, you will see four tabs on the right side.


These tabs will show you information regarding:

  • transactions: a searchable list of fuel transactions
  • tags: a list of valid tags used to authorise a transaction
  • customers: a list of customers or groups that ask for tags, for example a trucking firm
  • devices: if you have more than one site you can check on each.

Databases > Transactions

This view is populated automatically as transactions takes place and the HyDip device sends data about each one to the online account. With each transaction the online account builds up a list of data about each one.

Here is an active database. The most recent transaction is at the top.


Active database - list of transactions in the Databases > Transactions view

This data includes:



Tag ID

The unique ID number of the tag used to authorise the transaction. The tag might belong to a driver.


The customer taking the fuel, for example a trucking business with several drivers.

User ID

The customer can ask the driver to key in an ID, for example their employee number. This is a voluntary facility for the benefit of the customer, and is not validated.


The customer can require the driver to key in the number of kilometres the vehicle has covered. This is a voluntary facility for the benefit of the customer, and is not validated.


Records which hose is being used. A HyDip fuel tracking device can monitor up to 16 hoses.


This allows the HyDip device to report exceptional activity, such as ‘Transaction cancelled’ or ‘Authorisation rejected’.


The site selling the fuel, for example a petrol station.

Start time

The time the transaction began.

Stop time

The time the transaction was completed.

Sequence #

This simple counter allocates a sequential number to each transaction on a given device to ensure that all transactions are recorded. Typically there is one device at each site in the source column.

Credit type

This can be Volume or Cash. A customer may have prepaid for a given volume of fuel, or be allowed up to a given litre daily credit limit. Alternatively a customer may have prepaid for a given value of fuel, or be allowed up to a given dollar daily credit limit.


Diesel (or LP, ULP, PULP, Ad blue etc)


The quantity dispensed. This will be a litre amount or a dollar amount depending on the transaction type.

Unit price

You set this in the Devices view. It is the price that was shown on the pump as the nozzle was removed.


This column shows the dollar/litre credit payments added to a customer’s account (for prepay customers). For the balance see the Customer tab.


This column shows the dollar/litre debits for each fuel withdrawal. For the balance see the Tag tab.


You can record a comment about a transaction here, for example whether there is a query over it.

Databases > Tags

This view is populated as you issue new tags. You can issue tags by hovering over the name of the database in the left hand column, clicking on the arrow that appears, and selecting Add a tag.

Here is an example of tags in an active database:


Active database - list of transactions in the Databases > Tags view

This data includes:




Is the tag still authorised to dispense fuel?

Tag ID

The unique identifier given to the tag


The customer or customer group that has been allocated the tag.


The UID can be keyed in manually or imported from a database


The type of tag. In this example the unique ID and the odometer reading are required to allow fuel. This field reflects the tag type property attributed to the tag when it waseset up

Credit type

The tag can authorise a given volume or cash value

Pay class

Whether the tag is cash or volume, and pre-paid or daily limit:
CASH_DAILY_LIMIT: can take out a set dollar amount of product per day

CASH_PRE_PAY: has a prepaid dollar amount of product to draw

VOLUME_DAILY_LIMIT: can take out a set litre volume per day

VOLUME_PRE_PAY: has a prepaid litre volume of product to draw


Which products can be dispensed on the tag


The total cash value or volume that can be withdrawn on the tag

Daily limit

The daily limit value or volume that can be withdrawn on the tag

Databases > Customers

This view is populated as you add new customers. You can do this by hovering over the name of the database in the left hand column, clicking on the arrow that appears, and selecting New customer.

Here is an example of an active database.


Active database - list of transactions in the Databases > Customers view

This data includes:




Is the customer still active


Name of the customer

Customer number

Each customer is automatically assigned unique ID


Pre-Pay or Daily Limit


The customer can be input manually or imported from a database

Pre-Pay $

If a cash customer pays in advance this column shows the balance on their account in dollars

Pre-Pay Volume

If a volume customer pays in advance this column shows the balance on their account in litres



This field is available to record notes about a customer.


This lists the fuel tags allocated to the customer

Databases > Devices
This view is populated as you add new devices. You can subscribe a HyDip Fuel Tracking device to a single database, by first claiming a device, then:

  • hovering over the name of the database in the left hand column
  • clicking on the arrow that appears
  • selecting ‘Subscribe device’.

Here is an example of an active database.


Ative database - list of transactions in the Databases > Devices view

This data includes:




The name of the device. By default this is the serial number.


You can allocate an ID number to the device

Serial number

The unique serial number allocated to the device at the factory. This cannot be changed.

Date subscribed

The date that the device was added to the database

Last synced

The last time the device communicated with the online dashboard and exchanged data.